Dental Crown Lifespan: What You Need to Know Before You Get One

Dental crowns are a popular dental restoration procedure that can be used to repair damaged teeth or improve the aesthetics of your smile.

This article will discuss how long dental crowns last and what factors influence their longevity.

A well-crafted dental crown is designed to fit comfortably in the mouth and protect the remaining tooth structure from further damage.

By investing in a quality crown, you not only enhance the appearance of your smile but also ensure that it lasts for years with proper care.

Therefore, understanding how long dental crowns last becomes essential when considering this form of treatment.

Average Lifespan Of A Dental Crown

Dental crowns are a popular way to restore teeth that have been damaged or decayed. A dental crown is designed to fit over the natural tooth and can last for many years when properly cared for.

The longevity of a dental crown depends on numerous factors, such as the quality of materials used in its fabrication e.g. metal crowns, porcelain crowns etc., how the dentist fits it, and the patient’s willingness to take proper care of their oral health.

The lifespan of a dental crown should be similar to that of natural teeth, with good oral hygiene and regular professional care from a qualified dentist. Crowns need to be given due attention and effort during brushing, flossing, and other homecare practices like natural teeth do. Regular visits to the dentist for check-ups will also help ensure your crown remains secure for an extended period.

Several additional factors may influence the longevity of a dental crown, such as grinding habits or clenching one’s jaw, which could cause excess wear on the restoration material. Poor dietary choices that include high sugar consumption can lead to accelerated decay underneath existing restorations which might require reinforcement before any required replacement procedures are undertaken.

Seeking advice from your dentist regarding what type of maintenance program they recommend would be beneficial in helping you maintain healthy gums around your restored tooth, keeping your smile looking perfect for more extended periods than expected.

To maximize life expectancy, all aspects that affect durability and stability must be addressed accordingly within each patient’s situation. Moving forward into this next section, we look at some specific factors influencing longevity…

Factors Influencing Longevity

The average lifespan of a dental crown can vary greatly depending on the type of crown, its condition, and how well it is cared for. Crowns priced higher tend to last longer than their cheaper counterparts due to stronger materials used in construction; however, even these more expensive crowns will not last forever if proper care and maintenance are neglected.

For a crown to remain healthy and strong, good oral hygiene habits must be maintained by brushing twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and flossing at least once daily. Regular visits to the dentist are also essential to ensure any potential issues with the crown or underlying teeth can be identified early.

Failure of a dental crown may be caused by multiple factors, including damage from biting down too hard on objects such as ice cubes or popcorn kernels, grinding or clenching your teeth during sleep, poor oral hygiene leading to excessive plaque buildup, decay around the edges of the tooth underneath the crown, and trauma resulting from contact sports without adequate protection.

Some individuals may require more frequent check-ups when they have conditions such as bruxism (teeth grinding) or periodontal disease which put additional stress on restorations like dental crowns. An individual’s lifestyle choices can significantly affect how long a dental crown lasts. Poor oral hygiene practices and habits involving crunchy food items or chewing hard candy can increase the chances of premature failure. At the same time, following recommended preventative measures should help extend its longevity.

Eating nutritious meals rich in calcium and phosphorous helps keep enamel strong against wear and tear, thus reducing the risk of breakage or fracturing for both natural teeth and those covered with restorations like dental crowns. In addition, regularly avoiding sugary snacks or drinks between meals helps reduce acidity levels inside the mouth, which creates a favourable environment for bacteria growth, contributing towards cavities development directly below restoration margins and affecting the overall health status of the affected area over time.

Adopting appropriate dietary choices combined with regular visits to the dentist and maintaining high standards of personal oral hygiene habits can improve the chance of keeping their restored tooth functional, providing them complete smile satisfaction in years ahead without needing a replacement procedure anytime soon. Proper care and maintenance are essential in ensuring lasting success with dental crowns.

Proper Care And Maintenance

Dental crowns can last up to 15 years with proper care and maintenance. To ensure your crowned tooth remains healthy and secure for a long time, it is essential to develop the following habits:

  • Attend regular dental check-ups twice per year
  • Adopt good oral hygiene practices at home that include brushing twice daily and flossing once each day
  • Have professional cleanings performed every six months

In addition to these regular visits and cleaning routines, lifestyle habits like quitting smoking or avoiding sugary foods can also help protect your dental work.

Establishing post-procedure habits, such as eating soft foods during the first few days after getting a crown placed, is essential. This will give the cement enough time to dry thoroughly so you don’t damage your new restoration.

Following these guidelines when caring for your dental crown will increase its lifespan and keep your mouth in optimal health overall. However, even with all of this preventive care, signs of wear or damage may still occur over time, requiring prompt attention from a dentist.

Signs Of Wear Or Damage

Proper care and maintenance of dental crowns can help extend the life of a permanent restoration. However, it is important to recognize signs indicating a need for replacement or repair to maintain optimum oral health.

The type and material used for the crown will influence its longevity; gold crowns typically last between 15-20 years, while porcelain fused to metal (PFM) and zirconia crowns are known to last up to 10 years.

Signs of wear or damage include discolouration or cracking in the material and gaps around the margin where it meets the original tooth structure or adjacent teeth. In addition, if there has been significant decay underneath a PFM crown, then this could cause weakening of the underlying tooth structure, which may fail.

Gaps near the gum line may be caused by gum disease or receding gums due to periodontal problems such as chronic inflammation from plaque buildup. It’s also possible for dental cement used during the placement of some types of crowns (such as all-porcelain ones) to break down over time, resulting in loose-fitting restorations that no longer adhere properly.

This issue can be addressed with re-cementation. If left unaddressed, it can lead to further oral health issues such as infection and an increased risk of developing cavities at the margins between natural teeth and any existing restorations. In cases where any of these signs become apparent, consulting with your dentist should be done promptly so they can assess whether repair or replacement needs to occur to prevent further complications.

When considering when a dental crown needs replacing, it’s always best practice to seek professional advice from your dentist, who will determine the most suitable based on individual circumstances.

When To Replace A Dental Crown

The longevity of dental crowns depends on various factors, such as the type of material used, pressure on the height and proper dental hygiene.

Temporary crowns are usually made from a plastic or composite resin material, which is not very durable. For this reason, they may last only up to five years at most before needing replacement.

Types of permanent crowns include porcelain fused to metal alloy, gold alloy and all-ceramic crowns. Porcelain fused to metal alloy crowns have proven to be the longest lasting with an average lifespan of ten to fifteen years; however, this can vary depending on how well the patient takes care of them and their bite force.

Metal alloys such as gold, palladium and chrome cobalt are tough materials that can withstand heavy chewing forces for extended periods than other materials but still require regular maintenance to avoid any complications due to wear and tear over time.

All ceramic crowns offer good durability but should be protected from extreme temperatures and intense biting pressures as these will decrease their life significantly.

Patients must understand that even with proper oral hygiene habits, circumstances beyond one’s control could cause a dental crown to fail faster than expected. Factors such as trauma caused by grinding your teeth during sleep or clenching your jaw muscles during stress can put excessive pressure on the crown leading to chips or fractures which need immediate attention from a dentist so they do not worsen into more significant problems down the line.

Additionally, bacterial buildup around a damaged area could result in further damage if left untreated over long periods.

Patients must take good care of whatever type of dental crown they choose for it to serve its purpose effectively without having unexpected issues arise prematurely due to negligence or lack of awareness about possible risks associated with poor maintenance practices.

It is recommended that you visit your dentist regularly for check-ups where they can examine your current condition more closely to make sure no potential problems exist, thus preventing further failure down the road. Regular cleaning appointments also help maintain healthy gums, allowing for better adhesion between the cemented surface and tooth structure underneath, thereby increasing overall longevity considerably compared to infrequent visits, which often lead towards an increased risk for decay or corrosion sooner rather than later.

By understanding what affects your particular type of dental restoration, you can make informed decisions regarding how best to look after it ensuring optimum performance throughout its useful life span while avoiding costly repairs or replacements.


Dental crowns are a standard and successful treatment for preserving teeth.

Dental crowns can last 5-15 years with proper care and maintenance.

However, several factors, such as the material used or bite alignment issues, may affect their longevity.

It is essential to visit a dentist regularly to detect any signs of wear or damage before it becomes an issue.

Despite the need for regular check-ups and maintenance, placing a dental crown is often well worth the effort due to its long-lasting effects compared to other treatments available.

Additionally, many materials used are designed to mimic natural tooth structure, allowing them to blend seamlessly with your smile while still being durable enough to withstand daily use.

Therefore, regardless of individual circumstances, investing in a dental crown will effectively protect against further decay or loss of teeth.

If you have any further questions, reach out to our dentist in Sunbury.

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