What To Do If You Have A Dental Emergency

It is essential to maintain dental hygiene to take care of our teeth. However, even though we are very responsible for our oral hygiene, a dental emergency can occur at any time. 

Although in a dental emergency you must go to a dentist as soon as possible, there are cases in which you will not be able to do so. For this reason, you have to know how to act in a dental emergency, as this may or may not help you save your teeth.

Here we will teach you everything you need to know in a dental emergency, depending on the type of dental emergency problem that arises, until you can go to your dentist.

a patient experiencing a dental emergency

1. What to do in case of a toothache?

The tooth pain, or toothache, is associated with the presence of caries. Although it is the most common fault, the pain can be due to an infection or wisdom teeth. 

What can you do at home?

  • Rinse your mouth with warm water to remove any residue.
  • Floss carefully between your teeth to remove any bits of food left between your teeth.
  • If you have swelling, put something cold on the area. Never apply aspirin to the teeth or gums.
  • Avoid eating very hot or cold foods.

When you can, remember to go to the dentist to prevent the cavity’s progression. There, you will be treated, and a filling will be done.

2. Fracture of a dental piece

If your tooth is partially broken in an accident, it can affect its aesthetics and structure.

What you have to do if your tooth breaks?

  • Clean the broken tooth.
  • Rinse your mouth and wipe off any food debris or dirt.
  • Apply cold to the face to reduce swelling.

When you visit your dentist, he/she will evaluate the damage of the breakage and reconstruct the tooth. 

3. Loosening of a tooth

Another effect of receiving a blow can be the loosening of a tooth. Even if it does not fall out or break, you must go to a dentist immediately and follow his/her instructions.

If this happens, follow these tips at home:

  • Try not to touch the tooth too much with your fingers or tongue to avoid loosening it further.
  • Avoid clenching it with the rest of your teeth.

Once you go to the dentist, you will have dental x-rays to observe the state of the tooth’s root.

4. Dental abscess

A tooth abscess is an infection due to an accumulation of pus that can be very painful. Depending on its location, it can be periapical (affecting the root) or damage the gum. In this emergency, you should go to your dentist as soon as possible.

What to do to handle the emergency from home? Rinse with water to clean the area and apply cold to your cheek to reduce inflammation. Then, go to the dentist to prevent the infection from progressing.

5. Broken Jaw

A broken jaw is the result of a very violent blow of any kind. Although it is not common, a traffic accident or an impact on the chin area can cause this breakage.  

You must immobilize the jaw using a handkerchief and go urgently to a hospital. A maxillofacial surgeon will assess you and proceed with the necessary intervention.

Always keep in mind that you should promptly go to your dentist in these cases. These tips are just to give you some first aid if you cannot go to the doctor immediately. Have you presented a dental emergency at home? Tell us. What have you done? Get in touch with us here!

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