Have you noticed your gums pulling back from your teeth? This is a sign of gum receding. Gums can also change colour from its natural pink colour. It is a sure sign that something is causing your gum health to weaken.
There are several causes for your receding gums, and they can be irreversible depending on the stage of gum disease you’re going through. The most serious cause of receding gums is periodontal disease. Alongside this, if your oral routine isn’t strong enough, bacteria can penetrate within the root of the teeth and the bloodstream, which spells bad news for your oral health, leading to emergency treatment.
If you’re seeing signs of receding gums, continue to read to understand what it is, what its causes are and how to manage it.
What Are The Symptoms?
With receding gums, you’re likely to experience the following symptoms:
- Red and swollen gums
- Excess bleeding after brushing your teeth
- Halitosis (also known as bad breath)
- Sensitivity in the gum line
- Exposure of your tooth roots
What Are The Causes?
If your gums are receding, it could be due to the following causes:
- Advanced stages of gum disease known as periodontal disease
- Incorrect or forceful brushing causing gums to bleed
- Smoking cigarettes as tobacco contains chemicals to damage your gums.
- Teeth grinding during sleep
- Adverse medical conditions such as diabetes
How Can You Reduce And Manage Receding Gums?
If gum recession progresses to an advanced stage, it is likely to be irreversible. Although, you can manage its impact by following certain steps within your oral hygiene.
- Practice positive oral hygiene – Brush your teeth with a soft-bristle toothbrush twice a day. Consider flossing at least once a day to avoid bacteria build-up. Also, consider brushing with fluoride toothpaste as fluoride can neutralize plaque, which is a key symptom that forms against your gums.
- Brush Your Teeth Softly and Correctly – Brushing your teeth hard does not benefit your teeth in any way. Brush your teeth softly and gently in a circular motion using small, tight strokes. This can be further advised by your dentist at a check-up appointment if you’re unsure of the correct technique.
- Dental Mouthguard – For those who suffer from teeth grinding at night, a dental mouthguard helps to protect your gums and reduce the pressure on the jaw.
- Visiting The Dentist For Loose Dentures and Fillings – If you’re showing early signs of gum recession, visit the dentist to replace your dentures and fillings.
- Gum Contouring or Gum Grafting – Gum contouring can help with receding gums using tissue from the roof of the mouth to cover the exposed area due to your receding gums.
- Stop Smoking – Smoking is a key cause of receding gums. Click here to find out more.
Can Receding Gums Be Reversed?
Receding gums can be managed and slowed down, especially if it is at an advanced stage. If gum recession progresses to an advanced stage, it cannot be reversed. Following the above steps can help to slow it down and save your oral health. At the dentist, they may consider scaling and root planing treatment, where plaque and tartar are cleaned from the roots and surface of your teeth to avoid bacteria penetrating inside the mouth.
Are you showing signs of gum recession? Contact our Sunbury Dentists today so we can help restore your gum health and save your smile. Contact us now and check yourself in for an appointment here.