Tooth Bonding vs Veneers – Which Option Is Best For You?

Cosmetic dentistry has introduced a whole host of treatments to treat those niggling smile imperfections that damage your smiling confidence, from stains, misalignment, and chipped teeth. Here, we focus on two popular forms of treatment; tooth bonding vs veneers.

There’s so much information out there that can mislead you into making the right decision. Learning from professionals is always the right solution. 

So, to help you make the right choice below breaks down the key factors that determine which option is best for you out of tooth bonding vs veneers.

Let’s read on to learn more about the two.

What Is Tooth Bonding?

Teeth bonding is a process in which the dentist repairs any damage to the teeth by applying and hardening composite resin material to the damaged area. This will ‘bond’ the tooth and return it to its original position.

There are a variety of reasons why dental bonding is required, in addition to any chips or cracks:

  • Deeply discoloured teeth cannot be removed with a toothbrush.
  • You’re starting to see gaps between your teeth.
  • You want your teeth to appear longer since they are too short.
  • To conceal parts of the tooth root that have been exposed due to gum disease.

How Does Tooth Bonding Work?

The dentist in Sunbury will discuss the composite resin colour that most nearly matches the shade tint of your natural teeth in this case. The bonding, also known as a shade guide, blends in seamlessly with your pearly whites.

The next step is for the tooth’s surface to be ‘toughened’ or toughened, with a liquid being applied to ensure that the bonding agent adheres to the tooth. After that, the composite resin is put into the liquid, and the tooth is sculpted and solidified using ultraviolet radiation.

To finish the procedure, the tooth is polished and shined. Teeth bonding treatments typically take 30 to 60 minutes to complete.

What About Dental Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are a thin, tooth-coloured porcelain shell that is glued (or bonded) to the front surface of your teeth and matches the colour and shade of your smile. The dentist would need to remove a thin amount of your enamel so that the veneer can successfully bond to the natural tooth. Porcelain veneers are long-lasting, stain-resistant, and improve the appearance of your smile while also preventing additional damage to your natural teeth.

You may also consider an affordable alternative in composite veneers, a resin material applied directly to your teeth without removing any enamel. Composite veneers do not cover all of your teeth, rather cover those niggling cracks and chips that you don’t want to see.

What Are The Differences Between The Two?

So, let’s take a closer look at the difference between tooth bonding vs veneers.

Veneers Are More Expensive

Per tooth, dental veneers are more expensive compared to dental bonding. The process of dental bonding is smoother and faster and is typically completed in one appointment. Veneers need to be sculpted and moulded in a laboratory so that they exactly match the perfect smile you’re looking for. Veneers also require multiple appointments.

Veneers Last Longer

Dental veneers can last for up to 20 years if they’re looked after with proper oral care. An additional benefit is that veneers are also durable and stain-resistant. Tooth bonding typically lasts for up to 8 years. Therefore, the money you spend on veneers may work out cheaper in the long run.

Tooth Bonding Results Are Faster

Tooth Bonding delivers immediate results after one appointment. With veneers, it requires multiple appointments. The first appointment involves taking an impression of your tooth and determining the right shade of the veneers. The dentist would provide temporary veneers until your permanent veneers are ready. You’d then be called for a second appointment to have the veneers permanently bonded.

Staining Still Persists With Tooth Bonding

Dental veneers are durable and stain-resistant, whereas it’s more likely that staining will persist if you’ve tooth bonding treatment. To avoid it, ensure you continue to perform proper oral care for your teeth to remain clean and white. 

So, Which Option Is Right For You? Tooth Bonding vs Veneers?

Now that we’ve uncovered some of the differences, it comes down to choosing which treatment is right for you, bonding or veneers? It is important to note that both treatments are not one-size-fits-all. Understanding the best choice is dependent on the level of treatment you require. For example, small chips and cracks can be resolved with tooth bonding treatment, but dental veneers are an option if you’re seeking a complete smile transformation and if those chips, cracks and alignment are deeper.

It is recommended that you visit your local dentist for a pre-examination.

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